Press & News


INDESIGNLIVE.SG : Beauty Blocks, Singapore

“A miniaturised city experience works as a surprising concept in the headquarters of a Singaporean beauty enterprise.” View here.

ArchDaily features Beauty Blocks

View here.


Published by Ahead Media GmbH, Germany

#3/12, March 2012

Rettende Mauern – Saving Walls

Hansha Reflection house is featured in an article on design architecture that responds to both natural and man-made calamities.

Download PDF here.


Published by Indesign Media Asia, Singapore

Feburary/March, 2012

Pragmatism with a Twist

” Lim sees the house as being something ‘between Japanese and foreign,’ and the approach with which he sculpted it is fascinating for its considered manoeuvres. ”

Download PDF here. features Studio SKLIM

Studio SKLIM has been invited to share some of our work on  View entry here.

Pecha Kucha Night Tokyo # 88

Kevin Lim presents “Making” – snippets of our design process during Pecha Kucha Night # 88 in Tokyo at SuperDeluxe.

Pecha Kucha Night is the brainchild of the dynamic duo, Mark Dytham and Astrid Klein.

Presentation photo credit by Michael Holmes.