Press & News



Published by Hinge Marketing Ltd, Hong Kong

August, 2011

Special 70 page office spread entitled “Office Wonderland” featuring Thin Office amongst selection of 16 offices alongside Google, Nike and McKinsey & Company.

Download PDF here.

在AA学建筑 Study Architecture at Architectural Association

Yanchuan Liu et al.

Published by China Electric Power Press, China

June 2011

Collection of articles and experiences of AA Alumni in China with contributions by Brett Steel and Mark Cousins.  Kevin Lim’s conversation with Yanchuan Liu entitled “Jumping Scale: between Abstract and Reality”

Download PDF here.

Yatzer features The Tastings Room

The Tastings Room featured in Yatzer. View entry here.

ArchDaily features The Tastings Room


The Tastings Room featured in ArchDaily. View entry here.

Interior Design – China

Published by China Institute of Interior Design under permission of Reed Business Information, USA, July, 2011

The Bund

Published by M Media group, China, #436, May, 2011