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ArchDaily features Beauty Blocks

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Published by Ahead Media GmbH, Germany

#3/12, March 2012

Rettende Mauern – Saving Walls

Hansha Reflection house is featured in an article on design architecture that responds to both natural and man-made calamities.

Download PDF here.


Published by Indesign Media Asia, Singapore

Feburary/March, 2012

Pragmatism with a Twist

” Lim sees the house as being something ‘between Japanese and foreign,’ and the approach with which he sculpted it is fascinating for its considered manoeuvres. ”

Download PDF here. features Studio SKLIM

Studio SKLIM has been invited to share some of our work on  View entry here.

Pecha Kucha Night Tokyo # 88

Kevin Lim presents “Making” – snippets of our design process during Pecha Kucha Night # 88 in Tokyo at SuperDeluxe.

Pecha Kucha Night is the brainchild of the dynamic duo, Mark Dytham and Astrid Klein.

Presentation photo credit by Michael Holmes.

Dwell Asia

Published by New Media Investments (Asia), Singapore

Vol.2 #04, January/Feburary, 2012

Looking Back

“Harnessing existing environmental dynamics, the architects have succeeded in fashioning a home that in both physical and metaphysical senses, functions as a mirror for its surroundings.”